Local Sustainable Brand Dharma + Dwell Launches at May's

We’re so excited to host the launch of Dharma + Dwell - a local lifestyle and refill pop-up shop offering everyday essentials for sustainable living. At Dharma + Dwell, they believe that taking care of our planet relies on us - making conscious decisions, every day. And we couldn’t agree more!

 Making low-impact living easily accessible and convenient, Dharma + Dwell offers eco-friendly, package-free and responsibly sourced home goods and beauty products. At Dharma + Dwell, you can expect to find items ranging from bamboo toothbrushes to reusable produce bags, as well as bulk items for personal care such as shampoo, conditioner, and cleaning solutions sold by the ounce.  Read on for more about this exciting new offering!



 The number of shampoo bottles thrown out in the United States every year could fill 1,164 football fields. 

 At Dharma + Dwell, our goal is simple - help you consume, consciously. 

 Here, you bring your own bag, jar, or container. If you don't have your own reusable, you can purchase one for a small fee. At the shop, you fill up with only the amount you need - no more, no less - and pay by the ounce. 

 When you are ready for more, you return and the refill process begins again. For products not found in bulk, you will notice that they are package-free or packaged in compostable or biodegradable materials in order to minimize waste. 

 When you shop with Dharma + Dwell, you can rest easy knowing that your purchases make a big impact by having little impact.


Other random facts about waste/single-use items:

  • 40% of plastic produced is packaging, used just once and then discarded.

  • 100 billion plastic bags are used in the United States ever year

  • Americans purchase almost 50 billon water bottles per year

  • More than 15 million tons of used textiles waste is generated each year in the United States, and the amount has doubled over the past 20 years

  • An average American throws away approximately 80 pounds of used clothing per person per year

  • The average person buys 60% more items of clothing every year and keeps them for about half as long as 15 years ago

  • Nearly 100% of textiles and clothing are recyclable. Yet, only 15% of consumer-used clothing is actually recycled

  • Americans throw away 25 billion styrofoam coffee cups annually

  • Wooden cleaning brushes can produce up to 75% less greenhouse gas emissions compared to their plastic counterparts

  • In the United States we currently use more than 13 billion pounds of paper towels annually

  • Globally, discarded paper towels result in 254 million tons of waste every year

  • As many as 51,000 trees per day are required to replace the number of paper towels discarded every day

  • 91% of plastic waste isn't recycled

  • 500 Million plastic straws are used every day in America - that's enough to circle the Earth twice

  • 8 million tons of plastic winds up in our oceans each year

Join us for the launch in our studio Saturday, January 18th from 11-3!


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