La Crassia of Butter Love on Self-Care

This Valentine’s Day, we want to focus all the love that’s in the air onto ourselves for a change. Picture this - Candles are lit, you’re lounging in a beautiful new-to-you piece from our intimates collection (available in-store and online), and pampering yourself with all the rituals that help you to feel like your best self.

To enhance this blissed out fantasy, might we suggest some detoxifying bath salts and luxurious body butters from Butter Love, a local Black-owned skin and self-care brand made from all natural ingredients. One of our customers recently called these products “life-changing”.

This week we spoke to La Crassia, the owner of Butter Love, about her self-care journey and why it’s so important that we take good care of ourselves. She’s gone through a lot since building her brand, especially in the last year, but most importantly she has learned about how to take care of herself now more than ever before.

What inspired you to start your business?

I started Butter Love because most of my life consisted of me having dry skin and not being able to find solutions that worked for me. I understand first-hand how frustrating it can be to use products that don’t work and how this issue took a toll on my self-esteem. 

Where did your own self-care journey begin?

My self-care journey started about six years ago because I wanted to connect with myself more when I was at my lowest. I wanted to love myself more. Give myself more. And heal my traumas, my body, and my skin. In the midst of it all. I found Butter Love. The rest is HERstory!

What are your go-tos for self-care after a stressful week?

My self-care go-tos are so crucial. My love for detox baths has gotten greater lately. It’s something about lighting some candles, playing some music softly, and soaking my entire body in herbs from my recent collaboration with big heart tea- The Love Bath and coconut milk. It’s so relaxing and it helps me sleep like a baby. It’s the perfect way to wind down after a long day of being a boss babe! I follow up with rubbing butter love body butter on my entire body (lavender lush specifically) it eases my thoughts and puts me in a restful state. Rest is the best thing one can do for their body so I make sure to get all of my money’s worth! Lol

 Why do you think it's important for folks to take better care of themselves?

Last year put us in a state of fear, panic, and uncertainty. Everyone’s anxiety was at an all time high. Our bodies and mental space went through so much. Nothing could have prepared us for the shift of our new realities. I lost my stepfather to the pandemic and that shifted my entire being and I had to lean in to myself and find new ways to keep my spirits up. I had to really face my fears head on to find a new way to be ok. What I have learned is that:

  1. It is ok to be alone. Finding solace in being alone and sitting alone with your thoughts and putting intention towards your goals helps you more forward.

  2. Your emotions do not have to control you. Emotions are just energy in motion. Let them flow through you like the river. This too shall pass.

  3. Find happiness in the little things. Find something good every day. Especially on the bad days.

  4. Start a gratitude journal. You’ll thank me later.

  5. Lean in to your tribe. They are your soul sisters and were put in your life for a reason. 

  6. Move your body daily. Dance in the living room, bathroom, on top of the table, wherever you see it fit. Movement releases negative energy stored in the body and it just feels so damn good. 

What do you want the main takeaway to be when people use Butter Love products? 

During this time, folks are being more mindful of what goes on their skin and what is being put into their bodies. With all the different products on the market that are there to trick you into thinking they are good for you, Butter Love is a brand that you can trust. Butter Love is an intentional skincare brand rooted in self-love. We only use high quality, all natural ingredients,  and our products inspire daily rituals that help you re-center and re-charge so that you can tap into your power. I created Butter Love to help you stay Buttered!


Shop Butter Love products in our storefront or online here!


Six Black-Owned Fashion Collections in St. Louis


#MAYSGIVESBACK: Loveland Foundation