What #TEAMMAYS is Excited to Wear This Season

The sun is out, the grass is greener, the Magnolia trees are blooming, and Team May’s could not be more ready. With each new season, we get to rethink our wardrobe and get more creative with our style. We get the chance to fully live out our spring-inspired clothing dreams, and that looks very different for each one of us

This season we want to inspire you to embrace your personal style. If you don’t know what that looks like, that’s okay too. Spring is the perfect time to break out colors you usually don’t wear, patterns or type of garments that you’ve always wanted to try on but you were never quite sure about. Trying on that one bold outfit that’s “out of your shell” could be life changing. We always want you to be you no matter what that looks like! 

In light of this, we wanted to share our excitement about our spring wardrobe. All of us are thinking about that one piece of clothing we want to try out, or we have a spring staple we are just waiting to get back out from the closet. What are you excited to wear in the warmer months? 



I’m such a jeans and t-shirt person but this year, like no other, I’m so excited to bring in COLOR. Easy breezy dresses and printed caftans will definitely be in the rotation. I have a few very colorful jackets in bold prints that are perfect for laying on chillier days or evenings outside, and of course, denim jackets over everything. 



I’m so ready for flowy pants, short sleeve button downs or tees, some sunnies and of course my trusty Birkenstocks that I can’t wait to break out. In the past year, I’ve learned a lot about how to be as comfy as possible and also stay stylin’. I’m also pumped to style my new white cowboy boots with basically everything, specifically a giant billowy 70s/80s summer dress. 



I’m most excited to wear exciting florals, pops of bright color, sheer dresses, short dresses, tall boots, and fringe jackets. Westernize everything thing and play around with mixing femme pieces with work wear and denim. Oh yeah, and vintage T-shirts!



For the spring, I love pairing a mini dress in a bright, bold pattern with a tall structured boot. and if the dress is a bit sheer with ruffles, all the better!



Dresses are usually my go to for spring, preferably long and flowy with a pattern or sheer, paired with cowboy boots cause they’re my go to. And, of course, decked out in jewelry. The more the better! This is my favorite season and I look forward to spring fashion every year! 



Spring always feels like a fresh start bursting with possibilities and renewed inspiration, but this spring feels extra special for me. Pandemic times brought some majorly positive changes for my life (and far too much time spent in yoga pants and grey sweatshirts)... I’m feeling like a whole new person in 2021 and my spring wardrobe will definitely be reflecting that sentiment. I’m ready for that magical little weather window that’s perfect for wearing all of my favorite spring outerwear (including the asymmetric leather dream I scored from May’s recently), sporting flouncy dresses underneath, and mixing in bright sunshiny colors on the regular. Bring on the sun!!!


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